
SCPI Commands :

class IrepetitionCls[source]

Irepetition commands group definition. 2 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 2 group commands

get(index: int) int[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:GPRF:GENerator<Instance>:LIST:IREPetition
value: int = driver.source.listPy.irepetition.get(index = 1)

Defines or queries the ‘Index Repetition’ of a selected frequency/level step.

param index:

integer Number of the frequency/level step in the table Range: 0 to 1999


repetition: numeric Repetition of the frequency/level step Range: 1 to 10E+3

get_all() List[int][source]
# SCPI: SOURce:GPRF:GENerator<Instance>:LIST:IREPetition:ALL
value: List[int] = driver.source.listPy.irepetition.get_all()

Defines or queries the ‘Index Repetition’ of all frequency/level steps.


index_repetitions: numeric Comma-separated list of n values, one value per frequency/level step, where n ≤ 2000. The query returns 2000 results. Range: 1 to 10000

set(index: int, repetition: int) None[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:GPRF:GENerator<Instance>:LIST:IREPetition
driver.source.listPy.irepetition.set(index = 1, repetition = 1)

Defines or queries the ‘Index Repetition’ of a selected frequency/level step.

param index:

integer Number of the frequency/level step in the table Range: 0 to 1999

param repetition:

numeric Repetition of the frequency/level step Range: 1 to 10E+3

set_all(index_repetitions: List[int]) None[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:GPRF:GENerator<Instance>:LIST:IREPetition:ALL
driver.source.listPy.irepetition.set_all(index_repetitions = [1, 2, 3])

Defines or queries the ‘Index Repetition’ of all frequency/level steps.

param index_repetitions:

numeric Comma-separated list of n values, one value per frequency/level step, where n ≤ 2000. The query returns 2000 results. Range: 1 to 10000